Rotary to support Nepal
on May 04, 2015
Nepal and Rotary’s support – Ronald P. Strickland. Since last Saturday most of us have wondered about the safety of our Rotarians – Brandy Van Gelder and Kelly Hammond who were in Nepal on a personal trip to climb the Mount Everest Mountain up to the base camp. Luckily they were still in town sipping tea when the earth quake hit. As Wednesday wore on, we learned that they landed in Toronto after supper.
Ron Strickland reviewed the different agencies that provide the “Shelter Box” unit that will support a group of 10 people for 6 months or longer who as the result of the quake have little more than their lives left. He went on to say that our club’s World Community Service committee would like the support of our club to purchase two “shelter box “ units from Disaster Aid Canada at $750.00 per. A motion was moved by Sandy Mackay, seconded by Rob Saunders that we purchase the units. Motion was carried unanimously.