March 8th Announcements
Posted by Jocelynn Briggs on Mar 11, 2017
Fun announcements and Upcoming events you may have missed.
Beach Bingo Party at Brenda Dunton's Home on Tuesday March 14, 6:30pm. Blue and yellow balloons will mark the spot on Grieves Road. Don't forget your Bingo cards!
There will be a Rotary Weekend PETS April 7-9, 2017 in North Bay. All Rotarian's should consider going. Topics may include President Elect, Roteract, Social Media, Echo and Fundraising.
We had plenty of little guests and big guest this week. President Elect Kim O'Grady introduced everyone and made them feel welcomed.
Rob Saunders reminded everyone of the Willy Wonka production that will open Friday March 31st, 2017 at 7pm. Contact Rob for your tickets.
President Jen requested that more Rotarian's volunteer at events for shorter periods of time. The majority of Rotarian's that attended this meeting agreed.